8:14 pm05-03-24

W.O.R.D Saturday

By |05/03/24|

Stepping into Your Greatness II Timothy 1:1-8 Destiny is a predetermined state assigned by God Himself for you to come into at the opportune time. Destiny is when you step out from possibility to actuality. What was hoped for becomes reality. Greatness means the departure [...]

2:35 pm04-18-24


By |04/18/24|

It is hard to imagine what it must have been like to have been one of the twelve disciples walking daily with Jesus. It had to have made an indelible impression on them to be around him and observe His ways. It is interesting that [...]

5:01 pm03-22-24


By |03/22/24|

Are you aware of how far you have come? I believe one of the underrated spiritual exercises is reflection. Reflection is the looking back at where you have been and what God has done. It is when you draw from your experience and allow it [...]

4:59 pm02-22-24


By |02/22/24|

How confident are you in yourself? I believe there is direct link between how much faith you have and your degree of confidence. I would go so far as to say that you can measure your faith by your confidence. If God is your source, [...]

12:00 pm01-01-24


By |01/01/24|

Happy New year! What expectations do you have for the new year? I believe HOPE should always be our mentality. The fact that God is so good, and He can do anything but fail means we can always have high hopes. It is a misperception [...]

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