As we enter a new year this is a moment when we need to reflect on all God has done this past year. 2021 was a year of intense drama and activity in our world. The challenges have been great but God by his grace has brought us through. Even the start of the New Year is besought with record number of COVID infection cases. And yet it is my firm belief that God is doing something magnificent amid this seeming misfortune. I believe the groundwork has been laid for God to do some miraculous things in the earth. Events like this help us to realize just how powerless we are and how much we need God for our personal survival. The message coming through the failure of the government and medical community to handle this crisis is God alone is our source and protector. He alone can ensure that no plague come nigh our dwelling. He delivers us from the snare of the fowler and is a strong tower to all that run to Him. I would encourage you to resort to Him as your God and the lifter of your head. God will never forsake us, and He has promised no man can pluck us from His hand.

A Mighty Move is Coming!

I believe the greatest days the Body of Christ has ever seen are ahead. I believe these times are ripe for revival and a powerful move of God. I sense God is doing something special for you this year. I believe this is a year when God is going to manifest His glory in every aspect of your life. This is a season of change in which God is going to raise you up as a testimony to His goodness and His power. I need you to lift your head all ye gates and be ye lifted up ye every lasting door that the King of Glory may come in. Who is the King of God, the Lord Strong and mighty? The Lord mighty in battle. I dare say when things are at their worst, God does His best work. Consequently, I believe we are due a move of God unlike anything that has been seen ever before.

This is a defining moment in the history of the world because no one has an answer to these horrific conditions. But while man cannot save himself, we have a Savior, and His name is Jesus. Look to Him, seek Him, draw from Him because he stands ready to save and deliver. God bless and see you next time!