Exposing Shame
Unveiling the spirit of shame that hides in the hearts of many believers.
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Book Quotes
“As each layer was exposed, I realized I had accepted lies based on flawed assumptions regarding my birth. Those assumptions led me to believe that life was going to be hard and difficult.”
“Shame is something that can fly under the radar. It can go undetected. It might be affecting you, even now, and you are not aware of it. “
“There is a divine transaction that can take place right now inside you in which you can experience complete relief from your years of being in bondage to shame.”
“I want you to fill your mind with thoughts of victory, joy, and love. You can think victoriously because you have overcome shame. Now, consider yourself an over comer.”
Photo Gallery
This book is VERY powerful, thought provoking, and extremely revealing of the heart. It will cause you to confront the lies of shame and discover it was not your fault. It exposes those things that hindered you from becoming the real you, the you God intended you to be all along. Exposing Shame is a book that will walk you through receiving the freedom Christ has freely given when in a relationship with Him. I strongly encourage you to get this book…if you have struggled with being ashamed of your past and need to be healed from the effects of shame then this book is for you.
Thank you, Pastor Sabrina for such a timely message for the brokenhearted!
Definitely a must read book! At one time or another, each of us have experienced the feeling of being ashamed- whether it was brought about by our own actions or the actions of others. This book calls shame out of the places it likes to lurk and shines forth God’s light of truth upon it, exposing it for the lie that it is. Combined with truth, thought provoking questions, bits of humor and information that is easily grasped and understood, “Exposing Shame” is the MUST READ book of 2021 in order to walk wholly and unashamedly into all that God has called you to be!
The author Sabrina Mangrum does an excellent job identifying shame and its disguises. This is a must read for those who are ready to walk in the truth of who they really are and seek deliverance from shame and the negative emotions and patterns of behavior associated with shame. This book also has thought provoking questions and opportunities to journal to aid in the reflective process. It has allowed me to put into words what I was unable to verbalize.
This book allowed me to have a powerful personal experience with God. It was like God himself was sitting right there conversing with me. The author’s transparency allowed me to release and address my own shame, especially the journaling part of the book. After reading this book, my shame was exposed and dealt with once and for all! Highly recommend for anyone who wants to do the same!
GET THIS BOOK!!! This book is and will be a game changer for your life as it has been for mine. It’s an easy read yet very IMPACTFUL/POWERFUL. The Author has definately Exposed Shame in this book. GET IT!!! YOUR LIFE WILL NEVER BE THE SAME!!