The Resurrection was a Miracle. It was a historic fact as well as a living reality. Jesus’ getting up was not just something that happened, but it was an event that makes all the difference in the world to us. We are missing the point of Easter if you are only celebrating the fact He got up and NOT celebrating what Him getting up means for you personally.

  • When He got up, He was our sacrifice and paid for our Freedom.
  • He reversed the curse of Adam’s sin and paved the way for our redemption in Christ.
  • When He was crucified, the religious establishment thought they had gotten rid of HIM for good even though HE told them He would rise again.
  • The disciples thought it was all over, too, and assumed He was gone forever because He had been brutally beaten and tortured on the CROSS!!
It's Not Too Late For Your Miracle


It was an unfortunate and tragic END to someone who had done so much good. One of the saddest days the world had ever known. But, on the third day, He was Resurrected! He had arisen from the dead. A Miracle had indeed taken place!

He got up with All Power and Authority! He got up to fulfill the many scriptures that said He would. He got up to complete His earthly ministry. He got up to become Our Lord and Savior! He got up so that we could have life and have it more Abundantly.

  • The Resurrection is a reminder that it is never too late. No matter what has happened in your life. Don’t live a life of Regrets. Shoulda, Coulda, Woulda’s.
  • With God all things are possible (Matthew 19:26)
  • No matter how much has gone wrong, God can give you double for your trouble, every breakdown is still a breakthrough, delay does not mean denial, every setback is still a setup!

The past few years have been extremely tough. With COVID we were faced with new challenges, losses, sufferings. The social isolation and the mental strain have left many feeling alienated and lost. Some of you are trying to recover. While others are struggling to get back on your feet.

But on the eve of the greatest COMEBACK known to man, I want to remind you that the miraculous power demonstrated over thousands of years ago is still available today.

Let this be a time to spiritually reconnect. Believe Again, get your trust back, confidence back, Hope back (Expectations)!!!

Just like the Resurrection was a Miracle thousands of years ago; if the truth be told, we need a miracle today!!!

  • That court date is coming up very fast.
  • Bless their hearts, those adult children are driving you out of your wits. They are grown but not gone.
  • Finances are not adding up.
  • Doctors report is real.
  • Job is no longer satisfying.
  • Marriage Vows are questionable.
  • Mentally you are just not in a good place.

Let the Resurrection be a reminder, a model for us of the Miraculous Power of God.

Don’t allow TIME to make you cancel, forfeit, give up, disqualify you from receiving your promise.

The scripture says Jesus is the same, yesterday, today, and forever.

He is Still performing Miracles.

My Dear Brothers and Sisters “It’s Not Too Late for Your Miracle”

Have A Blessed Resurrection Sunday!