July is the month where our country celebrates freedom from the oppression and bondage of the mother country England. It is when the founders of this country decided to assert their right to self-determination. Freedom is one of the core principals our country is based upon. While we celebrate the birth of this nation and the courageous actions of the founding fathers, it is also a great time to celebrate the work of Jesus Christ in liberating us from the bondage to sin, death, and the grave. Jesus was the greatest liberator to ever walk the earth.

Let Real Freedom Reign image

As we reflect on political freedom, we should also reflect on our liberty in Christ. We must actively seek to rid ourselves from unbelief and the strongholds brought about by flawed thinking. We must dedicate ourselves to applying the Word in our lives so that we can be uninhibited and unrestricted from experiencing the abundant life Jesus intended for us to experience. I pray your goal this month is to “Stand fast therefore in the liberty wherewith Christ has made us free, and be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage.” Galatians 5:1.