Are you aware of how far you have come? I believe one of the underrated spiritual exercises is reflection. Reflection is the looking back at where you have been and what God has done. It is when you draw from your experience and allow it to make you conscious of how good God has been to you. I believe reflection is one of the keys to having great faith. Nothing fuels optimism like thinking about how miraculous your journey has been. I believe God intentionally did things a particular way in your life to reveal to you how much He loves you and how much He can be depended on. When you consider what He has done, you cannot help but have hope for all He can do. So many of the Psalms were times when David reflected on God’s goodness. I believe it was these times of reflection that gave him assurance that God would be there for him in his present crisis. One time he said, “ I have been young and now I am old, yet have I seen the righteous forsaken nor his seed begging for bread.” Take time today to reflect on how good God has been to you in the past and watch how it inspires you to believe for what is yet ahead.

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