Experts tell us that we are quickly approaching a time when the COVID crisis can be put behind us. Many people are eager to get back to normal. The thoughts of no more mask and social distancing will be welcomed with great anticipation. I want to suggest, however, that things should never go back to normal.

A New Normal!


We have been blessed to survive one of the worst health crises the world has ever known. This is a time to reflect on God’s goodness. This is a time to praise Him for his provision and power. There is a new normal we are to live by. That new normal is a greater appreciation for the Lord. That new normal is trusting Him more than ever. The new normal is loving Him in a way we did not do before. It will be so unfortunate, with all we have been through during this crisis, that we do not emerge from it without being closer to the Lord. He is so worthy to be praised. He deserves all the Glory.

Many will pick up exactly where they left off before all this began. But I encourage you to use all the experiences of this horrific time to change your spiritual trajectory to one in which you go higher and higher in the Lord.