Spring represents a time when the tilt of the earth toward the Sun means warmer temperatures and conditions for growth.  There is literally a complete change in the landscape as greenery replaces cold hard brown terrain.  Many engage in outdoor activities that were not possible during the winter.  Just as there is a seasonal change in the natural, I also believe there is seasonal change in spirit.  God is bringing us from the challenging times of a world-wide pandemic into a time when we gradually start to live less restrictive lives.  While still vigilant and on guard, this is a season of change for the better.

It's A New Season


I believe we can look forward to being able to socially interact more and enjoy the things we love most like traveling and enjoying public worship.  This is a time to be grateful as we reflect on God’s protection and provision.  We have survived one of the most horrific health crises in the history of the world.  And now is a time for renewal, restoration and new life.  The best is yet to come, and your latter shall be greater than your past.  Given the severity of this season of trials and test, we can anticipate that God has something very special for us now.  I dare say as it says in Isaiah 61, “For your shame you shall receive double for your trouble!” Galatians 6:9 says, “Be not weary in well-doing for in due season ye shall reap if you faint not!”

It’s time to get excited and look forward as we spring forth into all God has for us in this new spiritual season.