October is National Breast Cancer month. I am so grateful that there were people who thought it was necessary to make an emphasis on such a major issue. For too long it was on the back burner because women’s health was not seen as important as men’s health. It is so unfortunate that so much more money is spent on research for diseases that relate to certain groups and not enough emphasis on woman’s health. It is a blessing that finally women’s lives are being valued equally with men. In my lifetime I have seen so many courageous women fight through this disease.

Breast Cancer Month


This month we acknowledge this struggle, and I am so grateful to be a part of the movement to rid the world of this disease. For years my husband and I were a part of the Susan Komen walk run downtown every September. It was always exhilarating to be a part of the thousands of people joining together to work for such a great cause. It is my prayer that very soon, there will be a cure for breast cancer. My daughter Diamond is presently a Biomedical engineer working on her PH. D at Southern California University. She was inspired to enter this field because she saw her grandmothers both afflicted with this disease. I am so proud of her being a part of conducting research to find the cure.

In the meantime, we are praying for all those presently dealing with Breast cancer and trusting God for healing and deliverance. I am wearing my pink and I believe we will obtain the victory over this dreaded disease. I praise God through His word we will overcome In the Name Of Jesus.