I always love the month of February because it is always associated with the concept of love. You have Valentines’ Day where couples express their love for one another through gifts, expressions and cards. I believe love is the most powerful force in the earth. I also believe our greatest need is for love. Nothing has shaped your sense of well-being like how much you have been loved over the course of your life.



When you are loved, there is a power released that goes to the core of your being. Healing is the direct result of love being expressed to you. When I observe the ministry of Jesus in the gospels, it is his love for people and sincere concern for them which was the key to them being healed and delivered. Jesus had a way of letting people know they were valued that translated into them experiencing the power of God.

Our main responsibility to others is to love them. Not because they deserve it or act in a way that warrants it but because God has called us to be spreaders of His love. One of the worst things that could happen to us is that we become somehow affected by things in life and distracted by things going on that we fail to be transmitters of the love of God.

The only explanation for how we are saved is that God loved us. He commended his love toward us while we were yet sinners. Consequently, our greatest purpose is to spread that love to others in everything we do and speak. I pray that this month you will put a special emphasis on being loving and showing those around you the love of Jesus. And just in case you did not know, I love you!