May is Mental Health Awareness Month. Never in the history of mankind has there ever been a time when focusing on mental health is so important. Even though we have seen the numbers of those affected by the pandemic decrease substantially, the effect on the mental health of people remains a major concern. The isolation and social distancing have had a major effect on the mental health of people everywhere. We must take special measures to ensure our mental health is not taken lightly.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with addressing mental pain through counseling and therapy. I encourage you to be honest and open about how you feel. We need to remove the stigma associated with mental illness and recognize it is more normal than we want to acknowledge. We must take our mental health seriously and realize the need to manage ourselves in a way where we can maximize our own sense of well-being.

Mental Health Awareness image

Just as we are careful to go see a doctor when we experience physical symptoms, we must also seek help when we experience mental discomfort. I hope we can learn to not be ashamed when we experience mental pain. It would be so wonderful if we could learn to access experts in the mental health field instead of suffering with things in our lives because of what people may think. Whenever you are reading this blog, I want you to know that it’s not too late to get help. It starts with each of us being honest and transparent about our mental health.

Decide to be a part of changing the way we view mental illness so that healing and wholeness can begin to take place in record numbers. Let’s not allow Covid’s impact to continue to be a detriment to our mental health.

My prayer is that you will make your mental health a priority and live healthy lives by accessing God’s Word.

Matthew 4:23, says; And Jesus went about all Galilee, teaching in their synagogues and preaching the Gospel of the Kingdom and healing all manner of sickness and all manner of disease among the people.

We also have a Counseling Ministry at Cornerstone Peaceful Bible Baptist Church.

Feel free to Contact us at 301-868-8364.