A Great Prayer life is the Gateway to Great Faith

Prayer is the most important activity that I practice daily. It is something that is as natural to me as breathing. It is where I draw all my strength and vitality to live. As a matter of fact, there is nothing I enjoy talking about more than the subject of prayer. It is literally the stream that supplies me with life and empowers me to live life in its fulness. It is not just that I pray to respond to problems or challenges that I may face but even more so, prayer is a source of eternal peace, joy and an overall sense of well-being.

Nothing is more comforting and inspiring than spending quality time in prayer with God. I would dare say that my prayer time is the most important time during the day. It is imperative that you understand that prayer must be more about listening than telling God what we want. One of the greatest outcomes of a committed prayer life is hearing from God. Too often prayer is directing God to do what we think we need as opposed to receiving direction from God on what He would have us to do. What makes prayer satisfying is the rich interaction we have with God as He conveys his word and His will to us. Prayer should be more about responding to Him as opposed to initiating a response from Him for what we think we need.

A Great Prayer life is the Gateway to Great Faith image

Prayer is more about the quality of relationship we have with God. When prayer is an intimate conversation between two people that love each other deeply it becomes something that we commit to effortlessly. It is no longer a thing, but it is the thing that makes life what it is. Let me suggest to you to concentrate on three things when you pray today.

First make it all about seeking for what God wants. Second, make this a conversation in the spirit of connecting and expressing your deep love and affection for God. And most importantly, allow it to be an experience where you are listening for His voice!