Perception vs. Perspective

We often hear the statement “Trust the Process” in Christian circles. Websters’ dictionary defines the word process as a series of actions or steps taken to achieve a particular end. For Christians this means God taking us through a process of transformation when He guides us from our old nature (Adamic or prior to salvation) to a new nature (more reflective to the ways of Jesus).

The process begins by addressing our perception about life. We have been influenced by life, environment, and those who had the most influence on us. Each person begins the process at a different stage. The stage varies depending on a person’s need for true freedom from all forms of bondage. Mental health issues must be addressed. Trauma must be addressed. Spiritual strongholds are exposed. The role certain relationships have played out. The goal of the process. Is that you experience the freedom that God sent His only Son to provide for you! He wants us to experience the abundant life! The process addresses our perceptions about our past so we can effectively move forward having a greater perspective about life. Everything is put to the magnifier. All the good, the bad, and the ugly we’ve endured in life.

Perception vs. Perspective

In the process, many of the very things we’ve experienced, are addressed by God to reveal His loving nature to us. He is truly like the surgeon that operates on us down to the very core of our being. The process strengthens us. The process heals and delivers us. The process opens the door for us to learn how to rely on and trust in God.

The process leads us to a faith relationship with God. Faith is a direct result of all of God’s dealings in our lives. Faith is the new perspective we get from seeing things the same way as God sees them. Faith is the perspective of learning how much God loves us. Faith is the perspective that allows us to have a relationship with God that is intimate and meaningful.

As mentioned earlier, all of us have had a unique journey. However, what we share is that in the process we learn how much God loves us. God can be trusted. God is present. It may be that you are now going through a difficult stretch in your life. The process right now is very trying and uncomfortable. I encourage you to please continue to trust the process. Be assured, this is going to end in a richer revelation of God. He wants you to have a perspective where you know that through all the testing and challenges that He never gives up on us. The process is necessary to bring about true freedom.

Enjoy your Life!